clockwise: Frankie Feelings, Burkie Mac, Brother Taylor, Me, Joshua Sweaters
Or at least, I haven't. for several months! But things got tricky and hard. Then in mid-July I went to my best friend's wedding (Rupert Everett wasn't there) and things felt a lot better. Or maybe I should say, i felt a lot better. I realised that for the past 7-8 months I had let my self confidence crumble and taken beatings from people I normally would not allow to hurt me. But then I went away to this wedding weekend. And just as I so aptly proclaimed to a large roomful of people, I started "having the best time of my life". I danced up a storm with some of the greatest people I've ever known, had slumber parties every night playing slumber party games, wore really cute outfits constantly and witnessed someone I love get married to someone who loves her like crazy and vice versa. A little flirting didn't hurt either.
Naturally, I didn't let the fun stop when i got back home. I started going out to shows i wanted to see more often. I painted my kitchen a lovely shade of Mint Yogourt. I started a long past due embroidery project. I helped a new friend move her store from one location to the next. I visited my friend Steve Welch. A lot! I renewed a few old friendships and started some new ones. I bought navy eyeliner and rocked it. Other things happened too, but mostly I was good to myself.
xo L
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