It's been a crazy week in all really. I finally got a big hunk of tax money back which will help bring my visa bill back to 'frightning' (as opposed to 'impossible'). keeping my fingers crossed that i'll get the second chunk soon. Sunday through Thursday I worked around the clock, though I did manage to catch the Cheveu show at Zoobizarre. My verdict? They sound much better recorded than live. I might have dug it more if the singer wasn't obviously on acid and scratching himself and if the 4 drunk chicks infront of me weren't constantly 'posing' for photo ops WHILE THE BAND WAS PLAYING.
But enough bitterness- here's all the good stuff that's going on:
I keep finding out about awesome stuff going on at sxsw (elijah wood djing the bust hangover party??!!) and i'm unbelievably excited. i finally did a whole lot of laundry and partook in a giant clothing swap today at woodenapples. I scored some pretty sweet non-H&M stuff, which is refreshing.
I'm trying to budget how much money I can spend at flatstock- not too mention how i'll fit it all in the one tube that fits in my suitcase. Today I'm gonna make lists and put stuff away and try to start packing and make perogies with all the fixins and continue my cutouts while watching my current ziplist dvds:
Jesus Camp
Charlotte's Web
Home Movies Season 3 Disc 3
Also, Chrissy managed to score a family doctor about 2 blocks from our place and I might have a place on the waiting list! When they called Chrissy to let her know she had her 1st appointment they put it 'honey, you've won the lottery'. Sad, but true.